Apple rilascia la beta 2 di iOS 5.1: ora è possibile cancellare le foto presenti in Photo Stream

Pochi minuti fa Apple ha rilasciato la seconda beta di iOS 5.1 agli sviluppatori.

Gli sviluppatori sono molto fiduciosi sul fatto che questa seconda beta possa risolvere definitivamente i problemi alla batteria. Intanto, il changelog è molto corposo e apporta diverse migliorie

  • nuove API (aspetto che interessa solo gli sviluppatori)
  • correzione di un problema nel Game Center che impediva la corretta visualizzazione della foto del profilo
  • ora è finalmente possibile cancellare le immagini presenti in Photo Stream (iCloud) direttamente dal dispositivo. Questo vale sia per le nuove immagini che per quelle già salvate
  • altre migliorie per gli sviluppatori (relative al player dei video, alla sicurezza dei certificati, al miglioramento di Xcode e allo storage su iCloud)
  • corretti i problemi di traduzione dei testi dei menu in lingua italiana
Nei prossimi giorni faremo dei test accurati per monitorare lo stato della batteria su iPhone 4S.

Questo, invece, il changelog ufficiale e completo:


The NSNetService class and CFNetService APIs do not include P2P interfaces by default. To browse, register, or resolve services over P2P interfaces, an application needs to use the Bonjour DNSService*() APIs noted below.
Setting the interfaceIndex parameter to kDNSServiceInterfaceIndexAny in the following API’s will not include P2P interfaces by default. To include P2P interfaces, you must now set the kDNSServiceFlagsIncludeP2P flag when usingkDNSServiceInterfaceIndexAny or set the interfaceIndex to kDNSServiceInterfaceIndexP2P. The affected APIs are:


FIXED: App icons and profile photos are not loading in apps using Game Center.

iCloud Photo Stream

NEW: Photos taken using iOS 5.1 can be deleted from Photo Stream on your device and will be removed automatically from Photo Stream on your other iOS 5.1 devices. Older photos can be manually deleted from your iOS 5.1 devices.

iCloud Storage

Provisioning profiles must be enabled for iCloud in the iOS Provisioning Portal. To enable a provisioning profile for iCloud, navigate to the App ID section of the iOS Provisioning Portal and configure your App ID for iCloud. After enabling the App ID for iCloud, regenerate your provisioning profiles to enable them for iCloud.
The setSortDescriptors: method of NSMetadataQuery is not supported.
In iOS 5, files that are protected via Data Protection cannot be used with iCloud Storage APIs.
File names are case-insensitive in Mac OS X but case-sensitive in iOS. This can lead to problems when sharing files between the two using iCloud. You should take steps on iOS to avoid creating files whose names differ only by case.

Movie Player

Starting in iOS 5.0, in order to facilitate finer-grained playback control, a movie player is not automatically prepared to play upon creation. Call the prepareToPlay method to prepare the movie player. For more information, see MPMoviePlayerController Class Reference

Music Player

Using shake-to-shuffle causes Music app to freeze and playback to stop.


In iOS 5, signing certificates with MD5 signatures is not supported. Please ensure that certificates use signature algorithms based on SHA1 or SHA2.

Setup Assistant

NEW: Immediately after completing the Setup Assistant, it may re-appear and show the wifi screen and/or final “Thank You” screen. The workaround when in this loop is to reboot the device.

SpringBoard Lock Screen

NEW: The lock screen can intermittently get in a state where double-clicking the home button will no longer bring up the camera button. To get out of that state, you need to restart the device.

Xcode/Developer Tools

NEW: This preview release of Xcode 4.3 is distributed as a single application bundle, Delivering the Xcode tools in a single app bundle allows Xcode to be installed directly from the App Store, without the additional step of running the Install Xcode app. To install Xcode during the preview period, double-click to open the downloaded DMG file, and drag the file to your Applications folder.Within Xcode, you can launch additional developer tools, such as Instruments and FileMerge, via the menu item Xcode -> Open Developer Tool. You can then pin the tool on your Dock for access when Xcode is not running. Not all of the tools previously included in the Xcode installer are bundled in this preview release.

In the iOS 5 development tools, it is possible to extract APIs used by an application and have them checked for use of private APIs. This option is offered when you validate your application for app submission.

FIXED: A bug in the documentation organizer causes an exception when you type in any field in the content area. To prevent the need to log into the developer website from Xcode, download documentation sets locally using Xcode’s documentation preference pane and enable the ‘Check for and install updates automatically’ checkbox as a workaround.
FIXED: “uninstall-devtools” script mistakenly removes files and packages even if Xcode is still running. Be sure to quit any running copy of Xcode before starting the “uninstall-devtools” script.
FIXED: The Network Link Conditioner daemon cannot be launched after installing the Networking Link Conditioner without a reboot. You can manually workaround the issue with a restart or by the following command: sudo launchctl load /system/library/launchdaemons/]

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