Il 2016 sarà l’anno di Apple Pay in Italia? Difficile dirlo, ma intanto il servizio continua ad espandersi negli Stati Uniti.
Negli Stati Uniti troviamo il supporto ad oltre 50 nuove realtà, arrivando a quasi 1000 istituti bancari:
- Air Academy Federal Credit Union
- Ballston Spa National Bank
- Bank of Commerce
- BankFive
- BNA Bank
- Capital Area Federal Credit Union
- Citizens National Bank
- Comenity Bank
- CommonWealth One Federal Credit Union
- Community Business Bank
- Community State Bank
- CoreFirst Bank & Trust
- Damascus Community Bank
- Denison Bank
- Diablo Valley Federal Credit Union
- Electrical Federal Credit Union
- Financial Center First Credit Union
- First State Bank of Arcadia
- Florence Savings Bank
- “FNB Bank, N.A.”
- Fox Communities Credit Union
- Franklin Synergy Bank
- Fulton Bank of New Jersey
- “Fulton Bank, N.A.”
- Hercules Credit Union
- HFS Federal Credit Union
- Iberville Bank
- Inspirus Credit Union
- Isabella Community Credit Union
- Lafayette Ambassador Bank
- Landmark Bank
- Latino Community Credit Union
- Linn Area Credit Union
- Machias Savings Bank
- Maps Credit Union
- McCoy Federal Credit Union
- Mercantile Bank
- Nicolet National Bank
- Ontario-Montclair School Employees Federal Credit Union
- Pacific Marine Credit Union
- Palmetto Citizens Federal Credit Union
- Pen Air Federal Credit Union
- Platinum Bank
- Red Rocks Credit Union
- Rockland Trust
- Saginaw Medical Federal Credit Union
- Simmons Bank
- StonehamBank
- Swineford National Bank
- Texas Bank and Trust
- The Columbia Bank
- The Evangeline Bank & Trust Co
- The First National Bank of Mount Dora
- The National Bank of Indianapolis
- Valliance Bank
- Wauchula State Bank
- West Central Bank
- Westmark Credit Union
Il servizio di pagamento realizzato da Apple supporta le carte di credito e debito dei tre circuiti principali, American Express, MasterCard e Visa, emesse dalle banche più popolari. Tutto questo permette di pagare direttamente con l’iPhone, sfruttando anche la sicurezza del Touch ID.