Continua la cosa di Apple Pay negli Stati Uniti, con sempre più banche che supportano il servizio di pagamento mobile targato Apple.
Negli Stati Uniti troviamo il supporto ad oltre 60 nuove realtà:
- American Community Bank of Indiana
- American United Federal Credit Union
- Anheuser-Busch Employees’ Credit Union
- Aspire Federal Credit Union
- Bank of Colorado
- Bank of Montgomery
- Catholic Federal Credit Union
- Cedar Rapids Bank and Trust
- CFCU Community Credit Union
- ChoiceOne Bank
- Community Bank of Mississippi
- Community Bank, Coast
- Community Bank, Ellisville
- Community Bank, North MS
- Credit One Bank
- D.L. Evans Bank
- Dane County Credit Union
- Diamond Credit Union
- East Wisconsin Savings Bank
- Educational Community Credit Union
- Farmers Bank
- First Alliance Credit Union
- First Bank & Trust Company
- First Federal Savings Bank of Twin Falls
- First National Bank & Trust Company of Weatherford
- First State Bank of Middlebury
- Fox Valley Savings Bank
- Greater Kinston Credit Union
- Hanscom Federal Credit Union
- Home City Federal Savings Bank
- Hondo National Bank
- Indiana Members Credit Union
- Kemba Financial Credit Union
- Land of Lincoln Credit Union
- Laramie Plains Federal Credit Union
- LCNB National Bank
- Liberty Savings Bank, FSB
- Local Government Federal Credit Union
- Mississippi Federal Credit Union
- Montgomery Country Employees Federal Credit Union
- MVB Bank Inc
- Neighbors Credit Union
- New Horizon Federal Credit Union
- NorState Federal Credit Union
- North State Bank
- NW Preferred Federal Credit Union
- OMNI Community Credit Union
- Pinnacle Bank Sioux City
- Pinnacle Bank Texas
- Pinnacle Bank Wyoming
- Quad City Bank and Trust
- Republic Bank & Trust Company
- San Antonio Federal Credit Union
- SCE Federal Credit Union
- Sharon Credit Union
- South Shore Bank
- State Employees Credit Union
- Sun East Federal Credit Union
- Sunrise Banks
- Texas Capital Bank
- The Bank of Missouri
- TruWest Credit Union
- Vantage West Credit Union
- Wayne Bank
- Wilson Bank & Trust
Il servizio di pagamento realizzato da Apple supporta le carte di credito e debito dei tre circuiti principali, American Express, MasterCard e Visa, emesse dalle banche più popolari. Tutto questo permette di pagare direttamente con l’iPhone, sfruttando anche la sicurezza del Touch ID.