AppTools 100 in 1: tante app in una!

AppTools 100 in 1 porta su iPhone, ed in un’unica applicazione, ben 100 utility più o meno utili.

Si va da tool per le foto a baby monitor, dalla luce al calppometro. Ecco la lista completa:

1. Advanced BMI
2. Analog Talking Clock/Alarm
3. Animated Pictures Deluxe
4. Baby Monitor
5. Baby Names
6. Battery Meter Pro
7. Black and white camera
8. Bubble Level
9. Business Card Maker
10. Caliper Pro
11. Camera Frames
12. Camera Timer
13. Camera Zoom
14. Car Loan Calculator
15. Cartoon Sounds
16. Cash Register
17. Clap Lamp
18. Clapometer
19. Clear Calculator
20. Clear Phone
21. Clinometer
22. Cool Pedometer
23. Currency Converter Deluxe
24. Custom Keyboard
25. Date Label Camera
26. Decibel Pro
27. Designer ChronoClock
28. Digital Voice e-mail
29. Discount Calculator
30. DVD Preview
31. Education Loan Calculator
32. Email Backgrounds
33. Email Delivery Confirmation
34. Email Timer
35. Flash Camera
36. Fast Coin Flipper
37. Flashlight Pro
38. Generic Calendar
39. Hex Calculator
40. iContinuous Camera
41. iCounter
42. iDevice
43. iDice
44. iFacts
45. iFTP
46. iHD
47. iMassager
48. Invoice Maker Deluxe
49. iRandom Number
50. iReader Text to Speech
51. iRecipes
52. iRotary Phone
53. iSecurity
54. iSpanglish
55. Magic Ball
56. Messaging Tool
57. Military Keyboard
58. Money Counter
59. Morse Code
60. Morse Keyboard
61. Multi Signature
62. Musical e-mail
63. Musical Speedometer
64. Notes Sync
65. Old Radio
66. PDF/Image/Text Browser
67. Photo Viewer/Backup
68. Plumb-Bob Pro
69. Pregnancy Tool
70. Pro Timer
71. Protactor Pro
72. Real Altimeter
73. Remote Ringer
74. Repel Mosquito
75. Resume Maker
76. Rounded Corner Camera
77. Ruler Pro
78. Sepia Camera
79. Sign Language Keyboard
80. Smoke Simulator
81. SMS/Mail Emoticons
82. SMSLang
83. Speed Limit Notifier
84. Spirometer Pro
85. Super Clock
86. Talking Battery Status
87. Talking Browser
88. Talking Clap Clock
89. Talking Compass
90. Talking Mortgage Calculator
91. Talking Password Creator
92. Talking Phone Numbers
93. Thermometer Pro
94. Tic Tac Game
95. Translator Deluxe
96. Unit Converter Pro
97. Voice Periodic Table
98. Walkie Talkie
99. Where am I
100. World Dictionary (offline)

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